Thursday, August 31, 2006

ACF Notes Initial Report on Sri Lankan Massacre, Awaits Official Investigation

International cease-fire monitors, the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM), made a declaration earlier today about the slaughter of the 17 Action Against Hunger (ACF) staff in Muthur, northeast Sri Lanka, in early August.

In its statement to the secretary of the Sri Lankan government, the SLMM clearly denounced the Sri Lankan special forces with the responsibility for the executions.

ACF has taken note of this initial declaration by the SLMM.

ACF reaffirms its desire that all evidence is brought to light about the circumstances surrounding the slaughter of its aid workers in Muttur. To this end, the findings of independent groups like the SLMM and the Group of Tokyo (USA, EU, Japan, Norway) can contribute to the government’s official investigation currently underway.

ACF has reduced its humanitarian activities in Sri Lanka, but the organization is still present in the field to assist the people displaced by the conflict.

Press Conference, Wednesday, September 6th:

Press Conference, Wednesday, September 6th: ACF will organize a press conference about the situation in Sri Lanka, the first results of the investigation and its intentions concerning its operations in the country. This press conference will take place in the headquarters of the organization on Wednesday September 6th at 11h00.

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